Thursday, June 24, 2010

Naturalistic Activities

Children having naturalistic intelligence may exhibit some of the following characteristics. They may:

Have keen sensory skills - sight, sound, smell, taste and touch.
Readily use heightened sensory skills to notice and categorize things from the natural world.
Like to be outside, or like outside activities like gardening, nature walks or field trips geared toward observing nature or natural phenomena.
Notice patterns easily from their surroundings -- likes, differences, similarities, anomalies.
Are interested and care about animals or plants.
Notice things in the environment others often miss.
Create, keep or have collections, scrapbooks, logs, or journals about natural objects -- these may include written observations, drawings, pictures and photographs or specimens.
Are very interested, from an early age, in television shows, videos, books, or objects from or about nature, science or animals.
Show heightened awareness and concern of the environment and/or for endangered species.
Easily learn characteristics, names, categorizations and data about objects or species found in the natural world.

Activities that children with naturalistic intelligence will enjoy

To collect leaves, stones, bugs, flowers etc.
To identify the types of flowers and trees in your back yard or neighborhood.
To learn the different types of animals (e.g., types of dogs and cats, wildlife, squirrels, birds, etc.).
To develop an interest in collecting pictures of animals such as eagles, horses, or dogs or plants etc.
To do outdoor activities such as camping, fishing, gardening etc.
To watch National Geographic, the Discover Channel, or other programming that examines wildlife, fish, whales, and other animals.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Naturalistic Intelligence

Naturalistic is the most recent addition to Gardner’s theory (Gardner,2001) and has been met with more resistance than his original seven intelligences. According to Gardner, individuals who are high in this type of intelligence are more in tune with nature and are often interesting in nurturing, exploring the environment and learning about other species. These individuals are said to be highly aware of even subtle changes to their environments.

Naturalistic intelligence is the ability to recognize patterns in nature and to classify according to minute detail. For those students in tune with nature, the inclusion of the following activities may help them learn material by creating a naturalist inclusive atmosphere: nature walks, pet or plant in the classroom, and nature films (Amstrong, 1994). Armstrong also suggests using plants as props, this is where natural things or elements are used to explain course concepts and it also invokes learning from observation from class windows. To incorporate the naturalist intelligence, Kagan and Kagan(1998) suggest using categorization of class concepts. Activities such as blindfolded walks (for the purpose of relying on different senses), inferring, theorizing, keeping field logs, noting distinctions among similar items, understanding interdependence, hypothesizing, and experimenting all engage with the naturalist intelligence as well (Campbell, Campbell, Dickinson,1996).

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Intrapersonal Career

Characteristics of Intrapersonal Intelligence

•Good at analyzing their strengths and weaknesses
•Enjoys analyzing theories and ideas
•Excellent self-awareness
•Clearly understands the basis for their own motivations and feelings

Potential Career Choices


Friday, June 11, 2010

Intrapersonal Activities

Strengths: Introspection and Self-Reflection

Individuals who are strong in intrapersonal intelligence are good at being aware of their own emotional states, feelings and motivations. They tend to enjoy self-reflection and analysis, including day-dreaming, exploring relationships with others and assessing their personal strengths.

Intrapersonal Intelligence Involves Being Aware of Self

•Keep a diary/journal about what they learn each day & what it means to them
•Share meaningful personal experience.
•Write about your perceptions.
•Focus on some particular weakness and strengthen it.
•keep track of his/her moods and feelings when working in a given area of study.
•imagine & create having a dialog with a famous figure, historical or otherwise.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Intrapersonal Intelligences

The person with intrapersonal intelligence can be introverted, prefers to work alone and has clear knowledge of what he or she needs in most settings. This knowledge is based on a very keen understanding of self. Such people may be excellent at self-reflection and possess clear goals for the future. They also may be highly motivated people because of what appears to be an innate understanding of what they need.

Some people who agree with Gardner’s theories believe that those who possess intrapersonal intelligence in great degree need opportunities to work alone, but may require some extra care because of a high level of perfectionism associated with this form of intelligence. Children who seem very self-reflective but that lack interpersonal skills might be served by being encouraged to work in group settings from time to time to develop other intelligences. The inherent danger of intrapersonal intelligence is that the person becomes too reclusive because he or she is most satisfied by his own thoughts or work. Helping such people learn not to isolate themselves and to tolerate others who may have different goals can be valuable.

In college, students are given an opportunity to reflect and express themselves through the materials they are learning. Students need to examine their belief systems and values in relation to the materials being studied or discussed and may call for higher-order thinking and reasoning such as synthesizing. Meta-cognitive processing where students need to think about and analyze their own patterns of thinking would play a pivotal role in the acquisition of intrapersonal intelligence. Activities such as autobiographical reporting, or reflective exercises which explore how certain issues or events have changed one's life lend themselves effectively to developing interpersonal intelligence.

Instructors can include the intrapersonal intelligence through activities such as independent study, self-paced instruction, individualized projects and games, private spaces for study, one minute reflection periods, encouraging personal connections, options for assignments or projects, exposure to inspirational/motivational curricula, journal keeping, self-esteem activities, and goal setting (Armstrong, 1994). Campbell, Campbell, and Dickinson(1996) also add the following activities for the inclusion of intrapersonal intelligence: compliment circles, individual acknowledgement, peer support, challenging students to learn, metacognition and encouraging the identification and expression of feelings.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Interpersonal Career

People with Interpersonal intelligence are good with people and thrive in social interactions. They are good at reading, empathize and understanding others. They are good at working with others and have many friends. They learn best through interaction and dialogue.

Common Characteristics

Enjoy social events
Love groups and crowds
Enjoying teaching others
Have many friends
Enjoy team sports
Like to counsel others
Love meeting new people
Cooperative in groups
Sensitive to others' moods

Career Matches

Social Worker
Sales Representative
Child Care

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Interpersonal Activities

Involves Being People-Smart

•Participate in group projects.
•Combined learning.
•Party in a group.
•Conduct a meeting to solve problems.
•Resolve conflict.
•Discuss and debate an issue.
•Brainstorm on any subject.
•Interpret others' feelings.
•Join a sports activity group.
•Form activity or social clubs.
•Participate in group book reading and share views.

Categories of Intelligences Types