Friday, May 14, 2010

Bodily/Kinesthetic Inteligence

Bodily/ kinesthetic is the ability to use and understand physical movement, a mastery over body movement or the ability to manipulate objects with finesse. For bodily/kinesthetic intelligence, the emphasis is on practical demonstration or action such as physical exercises, sports, games, martial arts and drama.
Students should be able to demonstrate control of various motor activities through activities like games, athletics and exercise, dance, drama, gestures and mime. Students would have ample opportunities to show their creativity and originality by inventing a new game or an original dance sequence. To include those students who have many strengths with “hands-on” material, instructors might try using creative movement, hands-on thinking, field trips, classroom theatre, competitive and cooperative games, use of kinesthetic imagery, tactile materials and experiences and using communicative body language. (Armstrong, 1994; Campbell, Campbell, Dickinson, 1996).

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